Coming Together: Under Fire

Fiery words to ease the burn of loss caused by the 2007 Southern California wildfires.

This multi-author anthology of erotic fiction & poetry edited by the dynamic writing (and now editing) team of Alessia Brio & Will Belegon contains Samantha Sommersby’s short story – Rising Phoenix.

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Touch of Fire

He’d brave the fires of hell just to hold her…

Firefighter Garrett Flint rescues the beautiful Nicole from a burning building, and then breaks all the rules by taking her into his home and into his heart.



The Temptation

There’s a fine line between man and beast…one only the heart can cross.

Forbidden, Book 4

A year ago, Jacob Madison got more than he bargained for during a rock-climbing trip to Yosemite. A freak accident left him badly injured, at the mercy of the elements—and the wolves who rescued him. If it hadn’t been for them, he’d be dead. He’d also still be human. Now he’s back, hoping to find out who he is and what he’s become. Instead, he finds smart, sexy Allison Connelly.

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The Revolution

Experience the magic…

Forbidden, Book 3

Twenty-five years ago Dell Renfield’s father started a revolution, and Dell plans to finish it. Sorcerer, vampire, secret weapon, he’s spent a lifetime training for his fate. The one distraction he isn’t equipped for? Special Agent Alexandria Sanchez. A woman he desires above all others—and a woman he dare not get close to.

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The Ascension

There’s only one way to safeguard the future—fight free of the past.

Forbidden, Book 2

Byron Renfield is a master of climbing the social ladder. He’s successful, handsome, independently wealthy…and a vampire. As a member of an elite group of immortals, the Dominie, Byron’s spent centuries isolating himself from humanity in order to pursue redemption. It’s a good plan…until Violet Deeds comes along.

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Contemporary Romance

Contemporary Romance




Select cover for details

June in AugustShelter From the Storm



Touch of FireBlackout_200X300

Once Upon an Heiress (Part 1)
by Samantha Sommersby

Once Upon an Heiress

Once Upon an Heiress
(Part 1)
by Samantha Sommersby


Publisher: All Romance eBooks, LLC
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, Erotic Romance
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Mystery, danger, true love, and the best birthday present ever.
(A Serial Novel Told In Three Parts)

Socialite turned social worker Cassandra Cartwright has sworn off love. It’s been two years since her too-good-to-be-true husband ran off with her millions, leaving her emotionally and financially devastated. Cassie’s friends, believing that it’s time she put her past behind her, hire Jason Gregory to arrange for a special birthday dinner.

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Once Upon an Heiress Series

Once Upon an Heiress

Once Upon an Heiress
(Part 1)
by Samantha Sommersby


Publisher: All Romance eBooks, LLC
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, Erotic Romance
Release Date: December 1, 2013

Mystery, danger, true love, and the best birthday present ever. 
(A Serial Novel Told In Three Parts)

Socialite turned social worker Cassandra Cartwright has sworn off love. It’s been two years since her too-good-to-be-true husband ran off with her millions, leaving her emotionally and financially devastated. Cassie’s friends, believing that it’s time she put her past behind her, hire Jason Gregory to arrange for a special birthday dinner.

The enigmatic Jason is full of surprises, but no one is as surprised as he is when his casual meeting with Cassie leads to a torrid affair. Passionate and sensitive, strong and tender, he seems to know just what Cassie needs. But having been burned once, Cassie is wary, and rightfully so. Jason has secrets from a former life and a dangerous past from which he’s just recently escaped.

Before they can find happiness together, Cassie and Jason must take risks, put aside past tragedies, and trust in both one another and love. Add in one psychic sister, a deranged stalker, and a group of tried and true friends (not to mention a sailing fantasy that is too hot to handle and a welcome home dinner so sexy it will make your mouth water) and Once Upon and Heiress delivers whole-heartedly.

Note about All Books

The “all books” list needs to be formatted like:

Sample Single Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nunc velit, commodo quis tellus sit amet, fermentum accumsan elit. Vestibulum iaculis justo ut orci faucibus rhoncus. Morbi tincidunt purus nisl, et blandit ipsum aliquet sed. Nulla facilisi. Praesent fermentum vehicula interdum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris et orci eget arcu pulvinar ultricies vitae sit amet quam.
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